Last Saturday 16th was my running day with members from the train group. It was quite a successful day with 9 members in attendance. Some got involved in the train operation.
I am waiting for some uploads of videos taken, so I can add them to this blog.
The thing that brought most attention was the Garratt. As you can see in the 4th picture of my previous blog, the Garratt is standing in Loco outside the shed and clear of the fuel line for the Diesel Fuel storage tank. I decided to drive it to Narellan and bring back a coal train, at this time the loco tender was sitting under the overhead pipe line and when I applied power it just sat there and the sound just kept repeating "lamps, lamps, lamps". I turned the power off and reapplied it and I had no functions, but the loco ran. So I ran it in "silent mode". The sound eventually returned and all was normal. Sunday I decided to go out and rearrange the trains back to their starting positions ready for another session, "when ever that may be". When I put the Garratt back on the Loco Road, I again lost the sound. I thought it was loss of voltage in the track, but it checked out ok. The sound returned after I moved the loco away from the shed, but it started to return from "no volume" and increase to the "set volume". Conclusion, the overhead filler pipe for the diesel tank on the tower affected the sound decoder in the Tender of the Garratt. The pipe is constructed from Piano wire and is free from any power sources, so why does it do it ?? and it's only with the Garratt !!
Yesterday I had a play with a members 30 Class and gave it a touch up with some weathering power over the boiler. I was so impressed with the way it took the "new shine" off the paint that I decided to do mine, and I did mine all over. It's not over done, but it looks the part. I'm very impressed with it.
Garratt with factory weathering.
Garratt with Powder Coating
30 Class with powder coating to remove the gloss finish
Nothing else has happened on the layout, just added some "Give Way" signs to a couple of intersections, and a few more trees and bushes, but that's all.
Cheers for now.